Yoga, Amerta Movement, Yoga Therapy.

The Heart Space
A mentoring and supervision group for yoga teachers
An 8 week programme to support Yoga teachers and Yoga therapists from any lineage,
phase of life, gender and stage in their yoga teaching career.
A reflective, compassionate, heart centred space to reflect on and gain insight into questions and issues
arising from your professional or personal practice of Yoga.
Guided by an experienced yoga teacher, trainer and therapist.
Why am I offering this space?
In many career paths where care, or support of others is a central part of one's role, practitioners are advised or required to seek regular supervision and mentorship as a way of maintaining professional ethics and standard of practice, for self-care, and to maintain a reflective and honest relationship with their clients and themselves. Yet within the yoga community we complete our teacher training and then wonder along that path mostly alone. We may have teachers that guide or inspire us along the way, but still situations, questions, challenges arise within that path which can be difficult to navigate on our own. Teaching yoga can be a solitary and challenging path.
During my training in Yoga therapy, and more recently during a 3 year Masters in art therapy, I received many years of supervision, as well as attending personal therapy for a number of years. Those hundreds of hours of supported reflection and processing play a vital role in supporting me as a teacher and therapist, and these days I cannot imagine without them how I would be able to maintain my energy and integrity, as well as to teach ethically and from the heart.
With this in mind, and from many many conversations over the years with fellow teachers and with students on my training courses, I have been called to offer this safe harbour and cauldron of insight for fellow yoga teachers to bring their hearts together and dive into a reflective process around the practicalities, ethics, and human questions that arise from sharing Yoga with others and from trying to maintain our personal practice and relationship with Yoga.
Why might this be for you?
I’ve been teaching Yoga for 25 years, a Yoga therapist for 13 years and seen the world of yoga has radically shifted within that time. Being self employed in itself is no easy task. In the world of being a Yoga teacher there are many challenges: a competitive market, the unpredictability of class numbers, people who cancel or don’t show up, the confusion of social media, the collapse of the guru system and stories of abuse, shorter trainings, the student-teacher dynamic, self-promotion, financial instability, the fast-changing pace of yoga and well-being fads, the pressure to support our students, difficulties with student-teacher dynamics, the responsibility of other people trusting us with their bodies, the vast amount of information out there about what to teach, how to teach, how to maintain our own practice and integrity, how to care for ourselves within all of that …. PHEW!!! …..
It can feel exhausting, confusing and overwhelming. In the midst of all of that we can lose the joy of our own practice, not know where to turn for answers, feel isolated or stuck.
What happens in a supervision session?
These sessions are an invitation to sit with peers in a Sangha, a supportive community, to share your concerns and questions, and receive or share insights and experience.
This is a space for honest and heartful reflection on your teaching practice and what the role of being a yoga teacher or your personal yoga practice might be stirring in you.
A space to drop masks and roles, to reflect mindfully, to be vulnerable, to listen to our own inner wisdom and receive the wisdom of each other.
A space to lean in to, or return to, the wisdom of your heart’s guidance, and to the heart of your practice and teaching.
To share or offer each other inspiration and positive support.
Each session includes:
Meditation to bring us into our bodies and into compassionate presence
Listening to your inner being, and hear what is waiting to be heard.
Heart-centred listening with peers to receive and offer each other support, so you can recognise and express anything that might be stirring in relation to your teaching or personal practice of Yoga.
Reflecting together and sharing our experience and insight on any issues that are arising
Yoga Nidra to integrate our experience
What is my role?
As the facilitator I am there to hold the space, to maintain safety and respect, to give it a structure, to make sure each person has time to be heard, to guide the group into presence and their hearts.
I may identify themes, or offer questions to support insight in response to participants’ questions. I will hold space for the group to reflect on those themes or questions together and, if asked, share insight from my own personal and professional experience
No one person will be an ‘expert’ in this space: we all have valid experience to share, we all are equal in our human struggles and love of yoga.
Financial investment
200 euros.
If you are in financial need, but feel strongly that this space calls to you, please get in touch. A reduced price place or payment plan are possible to make this work accessible to you.
Places are limited to ensure personal attention throughout.
Sundays 10-12am
February 9th - April 6th 2025
Book your place:
​Send your fee via the Paypal booking link below.
​Once I have received your fee I will send you a brief questionnaire to find out a bit about you and your background.
Payment in advance of the start of the course ensures your place.
If you need to use a payment plan or pay a reduced fee, please email me and we can work out what is best for you. osborneclaire@hotmail.com